New venue for President Starr and the #RotaryAllStars of RC Fleming Island. They now meet at Talons at Eagle Harbor, a beautiful location and great breakfast. Great to see Amy Weaver receive her Paul Harris Fellow. This small club has great culture and can be counted on to support everything that #Rotary6970 does. #RotaryServingHumanity #RotaryGeek #DGMMB via Instagram
Visit to RC Port Orange/South Daytona during a crazy rain storm
President Ken sporting the red All Stars today with the #RotaryAllStars of RC Port Orange-South Daytona. A large group of Rotarians braved the stormy weather and I had the honor of presenting a Major Donor crystal to Hewitt and Allene Dupont. Plus my friend, fellow Rotarian Herschel Scott from Sandersville, GA was in town visiting. Great treat to see him! … Read More
Fancy pants on display with RC Debary-Deltona-Orange City
Fun breakfast with President Pat and the #RotaryAllStars of RC Debary-Deltona-Orange City. This is the home club of PDG Don Kanfer who led #Rotary6979 in 2001-2002 when I joined Rotary. Many of the members were sporting All Stars and fancy pants, what a great start to the day. Looking forward to coming back for their 5k this spring! #RotaryServingHumanity #RotaryGeek … Read More
Scoping out the Million Dollar Dinner venue with RC St. Augustine
Fantastic lunch with President Kyle and the #RotaryAllStars of RC St. Augustine in the beautiful Casa Monica Hotel. The Casa Monica is where we will have our Million Dollar Dinner on April 29 with Rotary International President John Germ. The RC St. Augustine, which will be celebrating their centennial in a few years, has an incredible impact on the community … Read More
2016 Interact Summit
Rotary – this is your future. Our Interact #RotaryAllStars! This makes me so happy I think I could almost explode. #Rotary6970 #RotaryServingHumanity #RotaryGeek #DGMMB via Instagram
Scenes from 2016 Interact Summit
Interact Summit with a bunch of #RotaryAllStars! #Rotary6970 #RotaryGeek #RotaryServingHumanity #DGMMB via Instagram
RC Edgewater is E L E C T R I C!
Global world headquarters of the RC Edgewater #RotaryAllStars! #RotaryServingHumanity via Instagram
Hanging out in the RC Edgewater clubhouse
Dinner with President Steve and the #RotaryAllStars of RC Edgewater, the most southerly club in #Rotary6970. Great evening of fellowship in their own private clubhouse! We also inducted 4 new members. Between happy bucks, fines, and a check they presented to me for $100, we raised nearly $1000 tonight for the #EndPolioNow campaign with the Gates match. #RotaryServingHumanity #RotaryGeek #DGMMB … Read More
Lunch with AG/President Harvey at RC Baker County
Lunch today with President Harvey and the #RotaryAllStars of RC Baker County. Harvey does double duty as club president and an Area Governor for me. Before lunch we unloaded 18 boxes of dictionaries to prepare them for distribution to 3rd graders in Macclenny and Lake Butler. Another example of a small but mighty club making a difference in the community … Read More
RC Keystone Heights showing off their flexibility
A new start for President Derick and the #RotaryAllStars of RC Keystone Heights. Formerly a lunch meeting, they changed their meeting date/time, as well as meeting location, to remove the barriers that prevented many potential members from joining. A fantastic example of a club making changes to ensure club success. The members of this club are extremely engaged and serve … Read More