Might be one of the toughest jobs at District Governor so far. Serving as a judge for the #RotaryAllStars of RC South Jacksonville. Tonight was the finals of their oratory competition and selecting a winner among the 6 finalists was not an easy task. Luckily I was a part of a well qualified team of professional communications educators. The participants were asked to speak about one of the six areas of focus for the Rotary Foundation. Extremely gratifying to hear these young people express their thoughts on the good work Rotary does around the world. Of course, having to provide comments after these incredible orators spoke will probably be the most challenging task I will have as Governor. After the competition, one of the contestants found me and said Rotary’s mission is infectious and he wants to be a part of our organization. The future of Rotary is bright. #Rotary6970 #DGMMB #RotaryServingHumanity #RotaryGeek via Instagram